Yes, losing your job sucks, but it’s what you decide to do after the news that will determine how high you’ll bounce back!
#1 Get off the couch (your bed or your favorite armchair) and get MOVING. I know you won’t want to, but infusing your day with a healthy dose of cardio will improve your mood, cognitive abilities, reduce stress and improve cardiovascular health. Get a jump rope or follow a YouTuber’s workout, I promise, it will help you get going.
#2 Be mindful of what you say and what you think about yourself. Saying “don’t be too hard on yourself,” might be easier said than done, but positive self-talk will help. So, be kind, be patient, be gentle with yourself. Daily affirmations and positive self-talk will gradually give your self-esteem the boost it needs to move forward.
#3 Don’t isolate too much. Within the context of a pandemic, that might sound like an odd statement but we are “zoon politikon.” Meaning that as human beings, we must remain socially engaged. I understand the initial need for isolation but it mustn’t last too long. Call, FaceTime, … WatsApp a friend, a family member, or a colleague but do not completely isolate.
#4 Help others. This is one of my favorite ways of transitioning from feeling blue to feeling a whole lot better. Shifting the focus off of yourself and helping someone in need, leads to accomplishing something you can be proud of and aids in improving overall well being.
#5 Push forward. I am not an advocate of faking anything but this is one instance when a little bit of “faking it ‘til you make it” comes into play. I find that keeping my schedule somewhat the same helps accomplish a few things. For one, it provides a sense of normalcy. Second, I get the tough tasks out of the way early in the day. Tasks such as working out, sending out resumes, and working on projects … Finally, I get the rest of the day to interact with friends, clean the house or for some much needed “me time.”
#6 Educate yourself! There are currently a host of free online programs that can enhance the skills set you already have, or assist you in getting new ones! Why not enroll in a course that will give you a competitive edge or afford you to switch careers. Here are a couple of links to get you started:
# 7 Take on a new hobby or project! If you are like me, perhaps there are projects that you have put on the sidelines because you lacked the time. I’ve caught up with cleaning out some of my closets and cabinets. Some of my plants needed some TLC. I expanded on my herb garden and switched some pots and planters around. Doing these very simple things provided me with a positive outlet on which to focus on my attention. This has also been an opportunity for me to focus on my burgeoning blog.
#8 Keep it clean. Beyond basic physical hygiene, your space also has to be kept not only clean but organized too. I find it challenging to gather my thoughts and work on projects in a room that is in total chaos. From the start of the day, I feel productive for only having made my bed and I know it sounds silly, but hey, one success at a time, right? There is so much we can’t control but how your living space looks and feels should not be one of them. I am the Queen of my castle and so should you (Be the Queen or King of a beautifully kept space)!
#9 Deal with the administrative stuff quickly. I personally find that part to be the hardest because it really symbolizes the end of something. Like a bandage, I want it to be dealt with quickly: unemployment, health insurance, retirement … any automated payments were taken off recurring so I can better control my budget.
#10 Take care of yourself. Even if you decided to ignore anything else, this one is a must! Eat the foods you enjoy. Watch movies that will make you laugh and stay away from drama or scary movies. We are aiming for “feel good” types of movies until things settle. Listen to uplifting music (or nature sounds even). This is not a time to listen to Adele or any artist like her. This type of music will hinder your progress. Reach for a nice cold carrot juice but stay away from alcohol or anything, for that matter, that can alter your “natural” state. The way you feel is only temporary. You do not want to come out of this with more problems than when you started. So, pamper yourself, wear your prettiest dress and go take on the world!
Great list, I did a lot of this to keep me in track and motivated these last few months but I will admit, wine was a good friend of mine during quarantine! Managing a toddler on top of it all leaves little time for relaxing so a glass of wine after his bed time is like a vacation!
I created this to keep myself accountable too. Sometimes, Netflix and my couch just keep calling my name and I simply can’t resist them, lol.